Student Organization - Academic, General
Mission Membership Benefits
Contact: Gia Nguyen, Sarah Roberts, Email group officers
Mission Our mission is to expose our members to the real-life challenges of engineering, fostering a supportive network within the civil engineering program. We aim to apply learned civil engineering skills for the benefit of the local community and to establish meaningful connections with the local, regional, and national engineering community.
Membership BenefitsJoining our club provides numerous benefits, including:• Assisting in the development of civil engineering education curricula and participating inthe engineering accreditation process;• Establishing professional practice standards;• Enhancing the public image of civil engineers;• Promoting and providing continuing education for civil engineers;• Encouraging participation by members and components of the Society in public affairsand community service programs;• Encouraging undergraduate students and inviting them to form a life-long affiliation withASCE;• Engaging students and preparing the next generation of civil engineers to ensure thefuture of the Society and the profession.
American Society of Civil Engineers has a total of 28 points.
Lifetime membership